In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
John 1:4-5

Glistening snow casting glimmers of light as I looked out into the yard. Warmth and joy filled my heart. Christmas music softly playing in the background, I am overjoyed. It was December 7, 2014. Our tree was beautifully adorned with ornaments, bows, and bold twinkling lights lit up my face exposing a girlish smile, gloating proudly of our early endeavor, It is finished. Hmmm just awesome, I whispered.
Rushing about the next morning, making sure I had enough time to drop Kyle at Enterprise. Still reeling from his call to us late Saturday night. He had hit the guard rails exiting the freeway. Total Front end damage he would creep his way home. A heightened awareness of Kyles’s feelings our eyes meeting, and induced silence came over us both. I knew he was feeling shamed and sorrowful about the accident, my heart melted for him as only a mother’s can. “It will be okay,” murmuring softly as he got out of the car.
Trying to enter my Cul De Sac, my heart dropping as I saw the police cars and fire engines. I was stopped by a policeman who asked, “Is your address 1012?” “Yes,” I replied. ” I’m sorry to tell you, mam, it is your house that is on fire.” “Your husband is fine.”
The scene that cold morning of December 8, 2014, will be an indelible imprint in my mind. Instead of going to work, that morning I stood in the middle of the street, in complete terror as I watched my life go up in flames. Billowing smoke, fires leaped, crowning the morning sky. Feeling numb when we were finally able to enter our dark and cold home, we could not comprehend it.
The beautiful tree I gloated about just last night was gone and there were no signs of Christmas. Only soot, smoke, and ashes remained in its place. Christmas would be spent in a foreign and unfamiliar place. Our lives were turned upside down. Within minutes, strangers were packing up all our belongings and carting them off. Darkness had entered into our lives and we could not comprehend it.
The insurance adjuster arranged the hotel for us to stay. He would fly in from Dallas the next morning to meet with us. Darkness had entered into our lives and we could not comprehend it. We stood there motionless unable to utter a word.
During the darkest hours in our lives, a light will shine through. The Lord devises ways of turning darkness to light. He brings deliverance and we shout forth His praises. He gives us beauty for ashes, an attitude of worship for the spirit of heaviness. Jesus came into our situation during that Christmas season and the darkness could not overcome us. We have a promise from Him that he’ll never leave us. His light makes everything new. He stood with us through it all granting His favor and grace.
When it was all said and done, we returned to our newly built home in time to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas the following year. With grateful and adorning hearts our Saviour came and He brought His light.
I share this life story as a reminder that no matter how this Christmas Season finds you Hope, love, Joy, and Peace are there for you.
Christ the Saviour has come and He is the Light of the whole world.
Merry Christmas!

Reading “Jesus is the Light of the World” was a powerful testimony to the mercy and compassion of the Father. We are so blessed to be believers and therefore part of His loving family through Christ Jesus. Merry Christmas to all!