Please welcome my dearest friend and guest writer Doris Robinson.
Doris Robinson is a pastor, teacher, and mentor. She is a believer in Jesus Christ from her youth. Doris is a storyteller, a gift inherited from her mother. Doris has three daughters and blessed with seven beautiful grandchildren to whom she has ample audience to tell her many stories to. Doris is retired from her career as lieutenant with the MN Department of Corrections. She recently started her own business as a life coach. Christmas is her favorite time of the year.

A Christmas Candy Story
A little girl got off the bus and in her hand was a small plastic baggie tied with red ribbon. Inside were little pieces of Christmas candies—delicate and simple. On her face was the faintest of smiles. She couldn’t let it spread for fear someone would discover she carried, now in her coat pocket, the sweetest little joy that was all her own. Even though the smile was just a hint, her eyes gleamed and sparkled like new-fallen snow. No way she could hide that.
Every year the little girl and her family went to a church that handed out many things for Christmas, but the most special to the child was this little bag of Christmas candies tied with the prettiest of bows.
All the days leading up to Christmas the child would take out a piece here and a piece there, making sure that her little bag of candy would at least last until Christmas Day. If she saved carefully and only ate a few small pieces a day, she would have enough left. Then, on Christmas, she could splurge and eat all the candy left in her bag. It was the day she had looked forward to with such excitement.
Now so many grateful years later, the girl is now a grandmother. Even though she doesn’t eat candies like she once used to, always at Christmas time she sets out the same Christmas candies she loved so much as a child. Every now and then, as she passes by the bowl, she pops a little candy in her mouth and smiles as she remembers.
To share love and joy at Christmas time is the sincerest meaning of the season. It is too big and too beautiful to keep to ourselves and it encapsulates the saying, “Love isn’t love until you give it away.” Just as God gave His most precious gift to us, the gift of His Beloved and Only Begotten Son,” we also should be gift-givers during this season. Gifts of love, joy, and peace as precious and more desirable than any candy could ever be.
Those little bags of multicolored candies, small deeds so simple but meant so much to the little girl. Acts of kindness she would never forget. She didn’t know then that the gleam and sparkle she carried with her of Christmas past would never fade and in fact last a lifetime.
The sweetness of Christmas remains throughout the years. Let us always remember to be Christ-like and show kindness and compassion. Share the timeless good tidings of great joy to all the people, “That unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:9)—the greatest message of all times. Christmas begins with Christ.
Of all the wonderful gifts received over Christmas, who knew that little pieces of candy would bring the greatest joy and the sweetest memory of what Christmas is all about—Love!
Merry Christmas!
“Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace, Good will toward men.”