The bible teaches us to pray for one another. Jesus set an example for us on how to pray. He asked that the disciples would be protected and strengthened as long as they were in this world.
Jesus also prayed for those who were a far off that they would believe in Him through the Gospel message. Go ahead, pray with confidence that God can hear you when you pray so open up that line of communication!
Sisters, pray to know that when you seek Him, you will find Him. Know God loves you and desires to communicate with you.
My prayer is that our ministry will exhort, encourage, and uplifts all who come and develop an intimate and personal relationship with God.
Just a side note: I am about to finish my book. It is called, Upon Theses Stones. Please sign up to receive emails and notices about the book launch.
Peace and Joy,

Praying that God will continue to bless you and your ministry as you “Go out into all the World” doing the work of the Lord. There’s no greater pleasure. Blessings to you my friend as you encounter the dream God has for you life!