When I was a little girl I hated to wait for anything. Especially if it was something I really wanted or someplace I wanted to go. Constantly asking my mom when can I get the toy, dress or whatever. It would get to the point she’d give me that look as though to say “Don’t ask me again!”
Think about the word wait. What feelings or emotions arise?
Is it like time passing by at a crawl? A process of ups and downs, highs or lows. Do you feel like your answer is drifting somewhere out there in the void, going unnoticed or unread? Like as the kids say: I am being Ghosted!
Maybe you feel right now you’re Being Ghosted by God?
If you are, let me comfort you with this; the word wait means to abide, remain. Wait also means to bind, in a given place, to unite, connecting with expectancy for what you’re waiting for is coming to pass.
In John 15:5 it means to abide or remains. Jesus said (“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,) you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.
Wait also means, “Be Present.” Be present spirit, soul and body.
Isaiah 60:22 God is working in our waiting. says, “When the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen” (NLT).
So, let us consider a paradigm shift, a mental shift when it comes to God’s Waiting Room. In God’s waiting room there is a lot going on. You may feel like you’re being ghosted but I assure you God sees you Just where you are and he knows what you need.
We all enter God’s Waiting Room for multiple purposes, reasons, and needs, or desires. I am not saying the waiting room is a place where you are going to feel good all the time. Sometimes things happen in the waiting room hurts! But we’re all the better for it.
Our human tendency is to make things happen on our OWN TERMS IN OUR OWN WAY we like to avoid pain at all cost. Before we know it: We’re no longer abiding in Him. We’re not remaining in Him. We’re not spiritually present with God.
This is when we need to BE CAREFUL! Because Our Father Really Knows Best! Let’s learn to be SUCCESSFUL IN GOD’S WAITING ROOM.
By Trusting OUR Father’s Heart.
What God wants us to have, He alone knows how to get it to us.
Let’s adopt this mantra. God, I am going to keep moving and doing AS you direct my path. I trust what you promised me back there in my pass THAT YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to bring it WHERE AM I now in the present. As I wait for you I won’t miss a thing YOU have for me!
Beloved, God’s in the spiritual realm, beyond our human senses. DOING WHAT HE NEEDS TO DO!
During that time, he expects us to wait in faith and keep a fervent prayer life. We are praying his promises, His word, His will, His way. We are to be present with Him.
God’s Waiting Room IS NOT A PASSIVE place WHERE we are SITTING AROUND doing nothing!
- It is a place of action.
- A place to develop and preserver.
- A place of refining and growth, a place of decision-making!
- A Place where learning and experiences happen.
- A place of change, where the shedding of selfish desires or belief systems OR OLD traditions is put away.
- A place where motives and thoughts are BEING proven, proven to ourselves. God already knows what is in our hearts.
There are blessings in God’s waiting room. Numerous Blessings! It really is a wonderful and fortunate place to find oneself.
Read John chapter 5 The man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda he didn’t know it he was in God’s waiting room. God knew he was going to heal him when Jesus walked by. Sometimes we don’t even know that we are in God’s waiting room and God has decided to display His Glory in us!
I don’t want to be the one holding up my blessings!
I learned to do Self-assessments. Making sure I am spiritually sound and balanced. My assessment check may consist of the following:
Are there some adjudgments that need to be made? Some attitude changes. Do I have a Heart malfunction are my arteries clogged with un-forgiveness? Or have I let the root of bitterness and unbelief stop me dead in my tracks halting my progression.
Moses told the Israelites to wait here and I will listen to what the Lord will Command concerning us. We know how that played out.
The Psalmist told us:
We must rest patiently for Him. Resting, knowing he sees us. It says, I patiently waited for the Lord and he inclined to me. Inclined means he is leaning in and here’s our cry.
Remember, God is working in our waiting. “When the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen” (NLT).
So Let’s stay in God’sWaiting Room until the blessing comes.

I would love to pray with you. Leave a prayer request by clicking Prayer Request on my menu. God Bless you!