It’s a blessing to share prayer requests, book releases, ministries, Christian Conferences, and conference speakers. Let’s start sharing and promoting one another!
Share in the comments section and I will spotlight your happenings on this post.
Hey, ladies don’t miss this virtual event. I brought my ticket. Host Kia Stephens

Sheila Arrington:
Mother’s Day Guest Series: Rokia Ballard Biblical Antidotes
The Entrusted Conference looks great! I’ll pray that you have a wonderful time, that you come away refreshed and with new revelations from God!
Thank you for all of your posts about Slaying Your Giants. I’ve got some very big giants that my husband and I are facing, specifically with financial provision. I’ve just begun my ministry life and I’m asking God to expand my influence which will open doors to new opportunities for publishing, speaking, and new ways to share what God has given me. My husband wants to start a new business where he will employ folks coming out of prison who need a second chance and he needs funding to get launched. In the meantime, we’re having a hard time making ends meet, but God has been providing “manna in the desert”. And as we head towards our Promised Land, we hear Him tell us to face our giants, trust in Him, and not turn back. I’d so appreciate your prayers!
I write Bible studies and speak on all sorts of Bible topics. God is real. His Word is real. It matters in real life. So I work to help people better understand God through the Scriptures and connect biblical truth to the way we live our every day lives. So much more I could say about this, but you can check me out at my website.
Thank you Kat, I will add you to my prayer list. Just know God is faithful and everything He has placed on your heart to do
He will see it come to fruition. He promises us his word will never return to Him void. Thank you for your gift of writing.
In Him my Sister.