Jeremiah 32:27 Behold I am the Lord of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me? 1Samuels Chapter 17
Slaying your Goliath: Part One
This will be a three-part series. Please check back next week for part two.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation, a difficult trial weighing heavily upon you? Facing an attack so fierce, it knocks the wind right out of you. I am talking about finding yourself face- to -face with a giant that is itching to snuff out everything you’ve worked for including your very existence. These attacks are designed to destroy your health, possessions, reputation, but most of all there devised and contrived to destroy your faith in God!
Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? The David and Goliath story offers us spiritual guidance on how to overcome obstacles. Rather than offering “self-help,” the story offers “God-help,” rooted in its history as a story told by people of faith to people of faith. This ancient story of David and Goliath speaks to modern-day people facing giant-size problems, offering spiritual guidance and assurance that God is with us always, especially when we are facing the giants in our lives
Nearly four years ago, my family and I faced a giant. Through a home fire, we almost lost everything. We thought we were going to be broken and defeated. Our insurance company wanted to give us less than a fourth of what they owed us, and then they recommended a construction firm to do a demo of our home, which in turn, charged us $77,000 for the demo! When we refuse to pay, they placed a lien on our house. Little did we know, this was the beginning of an eleven-month battle. We found ourselves catapulted into an on the job training for battling and slaying Giants.
David was but a youth, but the Lord sent him into battle anyway. King Saul was the tallest and biggest man in all of Israel, but God didn’t call him to fight Goliath, He called David. David was the youngest, ridiculed, and overlooked by his own family was called by God to defeat the champion of the Philistines. David said to Saul, Let no man’s heart fail because of this Philistine, this giant, this circumstance. Now Saul wanted David to wear his armor to proceed into war, an affair he wasn’t willing to do into against this giant. David refused; he needed to use something he had already proven. You see, David already had a proven method for slaying enemies. He had slain the lion and the bear and retrieved ALL that was his. God was advancing him in warfare in giant-slaying. David picked up five smooth stones out of the brook and placed them in his bag, with his sling in his hand he was ready for war.
The rest of the story is history. But just in case you need a refresher course of David’s giant-slaying story read 1 Samuel chapter 17.
Next week, I am going to talk about how God helps us, like David, to overcome impossible odds and be giant slayers.

I am looking forward to part 2
Thank you very much Miniy Sheila
Thanks, Gwen I am glad you enjoyed the post.