What’s in Your Hand?
Written by Sheila Arrington

As a young lady of twenty-one on a sunny Easter morning, I was in our Church pulpit delivering my Easter poem when the anointing and presence of God fell upon me. The amens and praise God rang throughout the church.
This was the beginning of something that had been placed deep within me: a passion and delight, the love of words and language.
Little did I know He was preparing and grooming me. I was unaware of His plan. Only God knew His purpose in His timing, and at the right time, he would share it with me. As I think back at the presence of His anointing, it was a significant marker in my life for sharing His message.
Do you know that God uses what we already possess? He uses what we have in our hands to execute His purpose. God asks Moses this question for the first time in Exodus 4:2,
What do you have in your hand?
God began to show Moses that what he already has, and with the power of God, He could deliver the multitudes.
God called Moses to go and lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. Moses didn’t think what he possessed could be used for a task of that magnitude.
The Lord says, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses does so, and it becomes a snake. God tells him to pick it up by the tail, and it turns back into a staff. Hmmm. Over the next 40 years of Moses’ life, God uses that simple wooden stick to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh, open the Red Sea, win a battle with the Amalekites, and bring water from a rock.
God works with what is in our hands and within our reach.
In 2 Kings 4: 1- 7, the widow of a prophet was in debt and had no means of paying up; she went to Elisha for help, and what did he do!
The prophet asked her, ‘What do you have in your house? Purpose begins to unfold from what we already possess.
For is an opportunity for all of us to see the manifestation of God’s power that and paves a way to walk in our purpose.
Many of us look outside of ourselves to find our purpose but, God starts with what we have and builds on that.
I believed and had this attitude how the purpose of coming to me, looking for something to happen, to take place. I was waiting for purpose to spring upon me; it would suddenly show up.
No, the beginning of purpose lies within you. Purpose unfolds; it’s unwrapped and unveiled. God placed it in us when we were just a thought in His mind.
Our purpose is connected to our passions, dreams, and aspirations. We don’t need the gift or talent to show up.
It’s already there; we just need to discover our intended purpose. It’s already in your hand.
God has placed within us uniqueness, passions, gifts, and talents.
God’s word tells us that our gifts make room for us.
Our traits and passions make room for us.
More Christians feel unfruitful because they believe they are not qualified to do what God calls them to do! We are always qualified for what God calls us to do. He is our creator! He equipped us with everything we need to fulfill His purpose in the here, now, and future.
If we are just starting out don’t despise small beginnings. Zechariah 4:10. Take what you know and have and build on it, hone your practice, expand your knowledge. Pray and seek out mentors who will further your training. Be willing to give your best to do expend God’s best!
Satan’s fear is not our being a Christian; it is our involvement with God and believing what God says about us and let Him build upon what we have in our hands. Our enemy wants us to stay. Unproductive or sedentary.
There is no doubt about God’s call on our lives…it is a call to be active in sharing our talents and gifts to help others and glorify Him.
The Bible will teach us that we possess whatever is necessary to do what God calls us to do; we just need to let Him touch those areas of our life supernaturally to become effective for Him.
Don’t let the following question prohibit you from pursuing and using what is in your hand:
Can I do it?
What if I fail?
What if I am not accepted?
Instead, ask What has God put in my hand?
How does God want to use me?
What can I do to help others and glorify God?
As Moses learns to have faith in what God has put in his hand, his life is changed — as well as the course of world history.
What Do We Have in Our Hands? (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all you might. (Colossians 3:23-24). C. (1 Corinthians 10:31).
I believe the key to a useful life in service to God is not waiting for the right moment but in using what you have in every moment.
What is that on your hand? Are you using it for God’s glory? Let’s see ourselves beyond the scheme of things relative to OUR world, OUR community, OUR society, OUR family, OUR friends, OUR officemates, OUR jobs.
Therefore, we have to open our eyes and see events, circumstances, and situations based on God’s way, God’s plan, God’s design, God’s timeframe, God’s purpose.
What is that on your hand? Use it to bless others and glorify God!