Matt 5:13 You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its flavor, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus just finished sharing the Beatitudes with the multitudes. He looked out over the crowd and declared, “You are the salt of the earth”. It is interesting to note, that he didn’t say you are going to be the salt of the earth. He said,” You are the salt of the earth,” and then he said, “but, if salt has lost its flavor, how shall its saltiness be restored?”
When we take a deeper look to examine the depth of what he meant, it’s no small matter for us to consider, we really should consider this daily. The fact is, that no one can live without salt. Both humans and animals and even some plants need salt in their daily diets in order to survive. it is also a healing agent, a purifier, and a preservative. In ancient times it was sometimes used for money.
Jesus is saying we are the salt of the earth. This is a matter of our identity. It’s who we are, it’s what we do. We are healing agents to a dying and cynical world, a purifying substance that helps those who are in harm’s way leading them to Christ through our actions and our deeds. Were preservers keeping-alive and maintaining truth.
In a time when everyone wants to tag folks with labels. You are this, or you are that. Jesus has called US the salt of the earth. We can’t afford to lose our flavor and be shoved aside. We have been called out! We are called out by love, mercy, and hope.
So as a brand new year has begun, many of us make our resolutions, set our goals, and agendas. I decided to take a spiritual assessment of myself. As I was reflecting on the previous year I began looking inward and meditating on this verse Matthew 5:13. I asked myself, What’s your flavor? Is your flavor strong in the Lord, or faint? When others are around you what flavor do you give off? Are you exuding the richness of salt? A healing agent, a purifier in action and deed. My focus this year is to be flavorful in word and deed. What is your flavor?
I like to end this post with a prayer;
Father, in heaven you have called us the salt of the earth. We are your people and we desire to do your will. Show how each of us can be that salt in the place where we live and work. Lord, according to Psalms119:105 Lord your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Direct our individual and collective paths to be salt of the earth.
Thank you! Lord.

This is an excellent word to meditate on as we began a new decade. Blessings and thak you for this thoght provoking word.
Thank you, Alberder! I continue to hear about the great work you’re doing in Minnesota.
Thank you for the reminder of God’s word. In a compromising world, we should stand out as lights and salt. Great work!
Thanks, Doris, I feel blessed and fortunate to have such a life-long friend.