What happens we don’t forgive ourselves?
Matthew 18:22 tells us that we should not withhold forgiveness from others and that includes ourselves.
Psalms 32:1-2 says “Oh what a joy for those whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight. Yes, what joy whose record the Lord has cleared of sin, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!”

Let Me Tell you a Story about Myself
One time I was carrying a deep burden concerning a wrong I had committed and I was ashamed. I kept that burden of sin in my heart and I even tried to keep it from God. (I know impossible, for He knows every heart.) The day came when I asked the Lord to forgive me. I walked away from that prayer time feeling so good. The Words says in 1 John 1:9
But if we confess our sin to Him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong. I wasn’t taking that word into my heart.
Understanding your Triggers.
A trigger is something that you see, hear or feel, it reminds you of a past experience or action. If one hasn’t truly moved on, then the issue has not been resolved in the heart. Most likely they will be led down a rabbit hole, and end up confessing the same sin. Unfortunately for me, I went down that rabbit hole so many times, always going before the Throne of God asking for forgiveness for the same old thing. We are told, if we ask for forgiveness, God throws our sin away far as the east is from the west. Yes, he does! So, what happens when we won’t forgive ourselves? Unforgiveness can damage the heart and pollutes the soul.
The human soul houses our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.
One instance the Lord spoke to me and said; “Daughter, I have forgiven you, you must forgive yourself.” That hit me like a ton of bricks. I reflected on what the Lord had placed on my heart. Thinking, if he forgave me, why can’t I forgive myself? Honestly, I never thought about forgiving myself. My understanding was that I only needed to ask others for forgiveness.
Psalms 19:7 Is a beautiful verse it states; The law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy making wise the simple, gives us wisdom and bring joy to the heart.
This happens when we live in a constant state of forgiveness.
Here is a strategy that will help to forgive yourself and others. Three Steps to Forgiveness
Step 1. I
want to forgive myself for:
Pick one specific thing.
Example: I want to forgive myself for getting and saying hurtful things to my brother.
Step 2. I
want to release the feelings of:
List the feelings you have around the event. You need to acknowledge those
feelings to release them to move forward.
Examples; fear of being punished, self-reproach, self-hate, guilt, shame, etc.
Step 3. I acknowledge that forgiving this situation will benefit me as I will:
List benefits which will come to you as you become able to forgive yourself. The benefits can include being free of the feelings you listed in Step 2, and feeling their opposite. Benefits can also include being able to create better relationships, getting a better job, etc., depending on what is relevant to what it is you are forgiving yourself for.
Let us all learn to walk in the following verse.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
I added sisters.
Please share your thoughts concerning the forgiveness strategy.
Your writing is inspirational! Keep up the wonderful work!