In God’s Waiting Room

In God’s Waiting Room

When I was a little girl I hated to wait for anything. Especially if it was something I really wanted or someplace I wanted to go. Constantly asking my mom when can I get the toy, dress or whatever. It would get to the point she’d give me that look as though to...

Part 3 Slaying your Giant

1 Samuel 17:45 You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled. Giants come against us in every form attacking with brute force. They come to defeat,...

Slaying Your Goliath Part 2

Jeremiah 32:27 Behold I am the Lord of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?  The Lord your God who goes before you will fight for you.” {Deuteronomy 1:30} David came to the battlefield with a thundering YES in his heart. He had confidence and assurance...

Entrusted Women Conference

Conference Host: Kia Stephens Just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine yourself fully engaged in your God-given purpose.  What did you see?  Were you speaking or leading in some capacity? Were you writing books or engaging the culture?  How...