Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

 An arduous process often accompanies dreams and hope. You are doing everything in your power to stay the course, keeping positive, believing the vision to come into fruition. The longer the wait, one may find themselves sinking into a state of despair. God has given us a remedy for when we experience times like these.

Throughout the years, my ministry has ebbed and flowed, started, and even stalled! I have had mountain top experiences and been in the lowest valley.

If God didn’t call me to ministry in the supernatural way He did, I would have said; I must have been mistaken cause this thing just ain’t working out.

I needed a remedy for my bruised and sick heart.
This remedy for our sick hearts is sometimes called the “Chain of Hope.”

Romans 5:3-6: “[W]e rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character provides hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. We endure knowing our season will come!

The seasons we encounter has a purpose to it. And, while we are in those seasons of “wait,” and “not yet,” and “trust me,” and we feel like we have no idea what God is doing.

Know God is working on our behalf! He hasn’t forgotten us or gone AWOL! He sees and hears us!
During this season our only calling is to draw closer to Jesus.

These are the things that have helped me as I waited. I hope they may help you as well.

Journal and stay fruitful as you wait.
Bloom where you are planted and do whatever your hand knows to do as you wait on God.
Stay in his word and in prayer.
Ask God for confidants and mentors, those who you can trust to speak truth into your life.
Keep a spirit of praise and worship; it comforts your soul and keeps you in His presence.
Trust Him, remembering what God has promised he will bring it to the past.
Seek Him to see His unique vision of the promise.
Be open to any new adjustments.

Peace and Joy,
