Written by Pastor Joy Oguntimein

There are key differences between passion and purpose, although you should bring them together to live a fulfilled life. Passion is what intrigues and excites you. Passion is often connected to your innate abilities, talent, and desires. It is what you love to do. However, passion needs purpose that is rippling into areas bigger than us. As distractions come your way, purpose gets you back on track to focus on what is important. The purpose is the reason, or the why behind what you do. It is the motivation behind your actions and pursuits in life. A sense of purpose is central to a productive, joy-filled life.  A clear sense of purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the obstacles and challenges you encounter. The challenge with most people is that their passion and purpose are disjointed.

A woman who had her passion and purpose aligned was Mary Magdalene. Her passion for Jesus, was undeniable. All four gospels mention Mary Magdalene.  When He casts seven demons out of her, as Luke 8:1-3 says, Mary Magdalene does a complete turnaround and follows Jesus for the rest of His ministry. Mary was a faithful, diligent follower of Jesus. Along with other women, Mary gave both personal and financial support to the ministry of Jesus, following Him from place to place in His missionary activities. Her passion, showing gratitude to Jesus for healing her, led her to her purpose, to tell others about Jesus.  Mary went from being captured by demons to being captivated by Jesus.  Mary Magdalene’s story gives us at least three tips for turning our passion into purpose.

  1. Remember Christ sees you as valuable.

Most of the people who knew Mary Magdalene, when she was possessed by seven demons, might have looked at her with disgust or pity. She was probably rejected, isolated, and hopeless. One demon is enough to torment your life. But in the case of Mary Magdalene, she has SEVEN! For many people, Mary Magdalene would have been viewed as a lost cause.

However, Jesus saw her differently. She was not a lost cause, but rather one He came to seek and save (Luke 19:10). She was a daughter of God. He saw value in her and He sees value in you too.  To move from passion to purpose, you have to see yourself as God sees you.

God sees you as valuable (Ephesians 1:4, Matthew 6:26). You are valuable because of who you are. You are valuable because of what you are purposed to be. As a person who is loved by God and adopted into His family, you can be sure that God has a plan for your life: “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:11, 12).

  1. Be Consistent.

Mary Magdalene consistently served Christ during His ministry here on earth. She was present when the people persecuted Christ. She was there when Christ was nailed to the cross. She was there when the body of Christ was put in the tomb. She went early Sunday morning to anoint Christ’s body. She was the first to see the glorified and resurrected Christ. What a great honor God bestowed upon Mary in permitting her to be the first witness of the resurrection!

Being consistent is essential to discovering your purpose. To turn your passions into purpose, consistently pursue opportunities that align with your passions and allow you to use your gifts.

  1. Discover Your Purpose Through Service to the Lord.

Mary loved Jesus much for healing her from the demons within her. She was so grateful she followed Jesus, learned from Him, served His physical needs, and set a groundbreaking example for other women everywhere. Not only did Mary follow Jesus and the disciples from town to town, but she and some other women helped to support Christ and the disciples financially.

Mary Magdalene was deeply devoted to Jesus.  She witnessed Jesus’ death and was the first person to see Him resurrected (John 20:11-18). The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most critical event in history, and Jesus made a woman the first witness. He even encourages her to tell the disciples (John 20:17). Mary’s purpose, like ours, ultimately was to spread the Good News so that everyone can know that Jesus was exactly who he said he was. To turn your passion into purpose, think about how you can uniquely tell other about Jesus.

We discover how our passions and purpose align by serving God. Whether you serve and share God’s love through the most amazing chocolate cake, stunning photography, a heart for hospitality, clear teaching, wise counsel, or humor that keeps everyone laughing, you have a unique role to play in your community. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” God works at the intersection of our gifts and our passions.  Where do your gifts meet your passions? That may be God’s purpose for you.

Your purpose is not just about you; it’s about what God wants to do through you. When you embrace your God-given passions, you’ll discover an enthusiasm for life you may not have experienced before. God gave you a heart, and he has placed in your passions, desires, and dreams.  But unless they are under His control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, and they will be misdirected. Pray. Make a list of the things that excite you and your gifts. Ask God to reveal your purpose. Remember, God has called you to a purpose and wants you to walk in it so that you can give joy to others and so that you can live a joyful and fulfilling life.